AMBER: Legacy ChatGPT Research - Fine-tuning Human-AI relationships
Cy Gorman / Dr Lisa Dethridge / Sandstone McNamara Cy Gorman / Dr Lisa Dethridge / Sandstone McNamara

AMBER: Legacy ChatGPT Research - Fine-tuning Human-AI relationships

Working in Mural and Notion for UX/CX development, and Pycharm and Google Colab for IDE prototyping, Nurobodi UX/UI design and development in partnership with Dr. Lisa Dethridge, a seasoned RMIT researcher and academic, focused on understanding and investigating the importance of the process and creation of highly specific datasets used in training and fine-tuning an AI chatbot towards ethically informed outcomes. This article offers a window into our practice-led research and development of a human-machine teaming process whereby humans train a chatbot assistant with a specific intentions.

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Recalibrating neural signal to noise ratios
Cy Gorman Cy Gorman

Recalibrating neural signal to noise ratios

Signal to noise ratio affects our ability to focus, relax, sleep or even be in touch with our feelings & emotions. Nurobodi's unique services are contributing to the hyper-modern humans need to reduce an ever-mounting audiovisual to a purer audiovisual meta state of being via integrated colour and pitch brainwave synchronisation. 

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Pitch Perfect Pixels
Cy Gorman Cy Gorman

Pitch Perfect Pixels

Developing Integrated Colour-Sound Spectrum Awarene­ss

Ongoing use of Nurobodi spectrum services and products develops deeper awareness of integrated limbic and autonomic nervous system function helping to assist the regulation and enhancement of emotional, psychological & physiological health of clients.

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The Limbic System
Cy Gorman Cy Gorman

The Limbic System

The Limbic System

Have you ever wondered what part of the brain controls emotions? 

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